The Event
Hong Kong was returned to China by Britain in 1997 under a 50-year “one country, two systems” agreement, designed to protect its freedoms and partial autonomy. Since then, China's grip on Hong Kong has tightened, and the rights and privileges Hongkongers once enjoyed are steadily being eroded. The result? Apprehension and political unrest in Hong Kong.
Ten Years: A Community Screening asks Christians in Vancouver to collectively reflect on God's heart when it comes to Hong Kong's relationship with China. We invite you to watch the award-winning film Ten Years to learn about the fears of Hongkongers and to prayerfully consider how God might be inviting you to respond.
Date: Friday, October 21, 2016
Time: 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm (Doors open at 6:15 pm)
Place: Tenth Church
This event is free.
Donations will be collected during the event. Tickets are required, and can be obtained on
If you are able, we encourage you to donate a few dollars to help us cover the cost of the event.
The Film
Ten Years is a 2015 Hong Kong dystopian speculative fiction film. It offers a vision of the semi-autonomous territory in the year 2025, with human rights and freedoms gradually diminishing as the mainland Chinese government exerts increasing influence there.
Special Guests
Rev. Antony Law, Pastor at South Vancouver Pacific Grace MB Church
Guest Speakers
Mr. Andrew Choi (via video conference), Ten Years producer
Dr. Justin K.H Tse (via video recording), Visiting Assistant Professor of Asian American Studies at Northwestern University
Fr. Richard Soo, SJ, Priest at Richmond Eastern Catholic Church